Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Alphaville - The Jet Set

The Jet Set
Orang Kaya

Get ready for the show
Bersiaplah untuk pertunjukan

This is the time, now gimme that beat
Inilah saatnya, sekarang persembahkan padaku irama itu
Feel how the rhythm grips your feet
Rasakan bagaimana irama pegangi kakimu
Kitty baby, take my hand
Sayang, pegang tanganku
She's like a devil, heaven sent
Dia seperti setan, surga diturunkan
I'm in her arms and she's in mine
Aku dalam pelukannya dan dia dalam pelukanku
Maybe we make the film on time
Mungkin kita buat film tepat waktu
Sitting in the 15th row
Duduk di baris 15
Oh baby, baby, I love you so
Sayang, aku begitu mencintaimu

We are the jet set society
Kami masyarakat kaya
We are the jet set and that means liberty, liberty
Kami kaya dan itu artinya kebebasan
The jet set society
Masyarakat kaya
We are the jet set set, we are the jet set set
Kami kaya

We're on the run, we know where to go
Kita berlari, kita tahu kemana harus pergi
We got the tickets for the midnight show
Kita punya tiket untuk pertunjukan tengah malam
These nights are burning out so fast
Malam ini terbakar begitu cepat
Hop on the beam, you won't be last
Lompati tiang, kau takkan jadi terakhir
The Russians seem to be that way
Orang Rusia tampaknya seperti itu
We love them like we love D. Kaye
Kami menyukainya layaknya D. Kaye
We need no money, we get it for free
Kami tak buutuh uang, kami mendapatkannya gratis
We are the high-high-high society
Kami masyarakat kelas tinggi

We are the jet set society
Kami masyarakat kaya
We are the jet set and that means liberty, liberty
Kami kaya dan itu artinya kebebasan
The jet set society
Masyarakat kaya
We are the jet set set, we are the jet set set
Kami kaya

We are the jet set, hop on the beam
Kami kaya, lompati tiang
We are the jet set, hop on the beam
Kami kaya, lompati tiang
We are the jet set, hop on the beam
Kami kaya, lompati tiang
We are the jet set, hop on the beam
Kami kaya, lompati tiang
Hop on the beam
Lompati tiang

Shine on, society, shine on, liberty
Bersinar, masyarakat, bersinar, kebebasan
Shine on, luxury, shine on, society
Bersinar, kemewahan, bersinar, masyarakat

Streets are full of love and fear
Jalan penuh cinta dan ketakutan
This could be the final year
Ini bisa jadi tahun terakhir
Enrico's dead but still okay
Enrico mati tapi tak apa
We dance the streets, feeling well
Kami menari di jalan, merasa baikan
If she's a liar, I'm her lover
Jika dia pembohong, aku kekasihnya
If she's a priestess, I'm her cover
Jika dia pendeta, aku pelindungnya
If she's a lady, I'm her man
Jika dia nyonya, aku prianya
If she's a man, I'll do what I can
Jika dia pria, aku lakukan apa yang aku bisa

We are the jet set society
Kami masyarakat kaya
We are the jet set and that means liberty, liberty
Kami kaya dan itu artinya kebebasan
The jet set society
Masyarakat kaya
We are the jet set set, we are the jet set set
Kami kaya

Let's go to the moon
Mari pergi ke bulan

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